Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Movies at the Museum

The DD and I went to the MKJF film festival this summer.
I was invited by a dear and sweet friend to come and see the movies.
DD and I saw two very interesting and thought provoking films.

One was about a young boy learning to be a great detective like his dad. The dad was the only man able to captured the bad guy in the story. One day the dad put the boy on a train to go see his uncle. There was a note that had a clue on it. The boy was to identify a secret man. The boy thought it was his uncle. The boy was actually kidnapped by the fathers nemesis. The boy was unharmed and learned a lot how to catch bad guys. The boy was returned safely. The reason all of this happened was because of the fathers girlfriend wanted the child to know his grandparents and what happen to his mother. She wanted the boy to learn the hidden secrets. That the dad would not talk about.

The second movie was about a young woman that had downs syndrome.  The young woman was taken care of by her mother. They lived above the family shop. The young girl Anita was working in the shop when there was a bombing at the Jewish Synagogue. Several persons were killed along with the young girls mother. The young girl was hurt and taken to the hospital for treatment. Anita wondered off from the hospital. After the bombing Anita's older brother started looking for his family. His mother perished in the bombing and the sister was sort of a street person. The people that came in contact with Anita helped her. Some help was ok and other help was good. Finally she ended up with a nurse and she helped her reunite with her brother. 

Official trailer link for Anita.

If these movies are available in your area.. I would highly recommend them. They were worth the watch and read. Of course they were in subtitles for us Americans. ;)
LOL I think one was in Spanish and the other was in French. 

I really enjoyed seeing these movies and catching up with an old friend. Of course we went out for burgers afterwards :)

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