Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Hello Block Swappers thank you for making 2011's Christmas Block Swap another great success. LOL this year everyone was on time and... I'm sorry to take so long in returning them... didn't want to return them during the busy postal rush. WE had one set of blocks lost in the mail and I didn't really want to take the chance to lose another set in the shuffle... I want to thank all of you for waiting until the Holiday rush was over. I am happy to say.... your blocks are on their merry little way to your homes now. I will send you an email if you owe postage in the next couple of days... As always you can pay me through my donate button :O)
Keep an eye out..... they should be at your homes soon :O)

I hope to announce our next swap next weekend ;O) It will be a Valentine's Day swap of some sort ;O)

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to receiving them. I finished up the quilt from last year, and we've enjoyed it through the holidays. Can't wait to make another. Thanks for all of your work in making this swap so successful.


Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you had fun while you were here and please visit again soon :)