Friday, February 10, 2012

Hello My Sweet Blogging Friends :O)

I am sorry I have been away. I have been having trouble with my old car accident injuries. I have recently begun to have pain in my shoulders and down my arms into my hands. The PT Doctor seems to think I have some entrapped nerves that run down my arm. It starts at my neck and runs the entire length of my arm into my hands. I can barely make it through my work day with all the typing I have to do, which leaves me too sore to sew or type much after I get home. Most days I don't want to do anything but sit in front of the TV after taking some pain pills. I made myself finish up a Christmas gift this week. My Person knew that it was going to be late. I also had two custom orders that I had to make over the last 10 days. They were easy  mostly sewing on the sewing machine. Thank goodness not a lot of hand work. My fingers and thumbs are having spasms and I am unable to hold a needle very long. I can only do things on short bursts.  I don't know when I will be better. I am doing PT stuff now to try and get back to my normal without all this extra pain...
I am sorry but until I get to feeling better.. I will not be holding any more swaps or posting much.
I am sorry If you don't see me here very much. You can try and catch me on FaceBook or see my pins on Pinterest when I feel up to clicking :O) Until then my sweet friends... 
Happy Stitching and NO Ripping ;O)


  1. Oh...I am so sorry, I do hope you feel better soon and are able to get this fun living in pain.

  2. Hello, I'm so sorry for you and your pain and I can feel with you because I suffered from "shoulder pain" for over two years!!! It's not funny....Physiotherapy helped me but it lasted some months before I noticed that it becomes better!! I wish you all the very best an d hope it will be better very soon!!!
    Greetings from Regina

  3. Sorry to hear you are in agony. Hope you are better soon. My husband had very bad back pains about a year ago and the pain killers ruined his stomach on top of it. Our recommendation: lots and lots of Omega3 oils. That is better than any painkiller according to latest studies. Feel free to google it ;)
    Best of luck and get well soon.

  4. I will pray that you feel better soon. I have just found your site. I enjoyed my little visit.

  5. xxooxx Aunt Pitty Pat! I hope you take your time to do exactly as the PT folks say-in the long run it will help you heal faster and in total. They did a great job bringing my DH back after a stroke, so they know what they're doing. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear that you're in pain. Take care of yourself and know that we're thinking of you and will be right here when you're up to it.

  7. Pain is no fun - and not being able to enjoy your favourite hobbies makes it feel much worse.. Hope you get some quick relief and a long term resolution. Keep up those exercises.

  8. Oh, no! Not fun :( You better do as told by the doctor. You don't want to have more pain then you have now! I hope you got my email about my Valentine swap package being sent. Still waiting for mine.
    Take care of yourself, M♥
    Hugz, CJ♥♥

  9. So sorry to read about your nerve pain. I know what that is, I take gabapentin for nerve pain from fibromyalgia. Med makes me sleepy but has started to help a bit. I will say prayers for you to get some relief.
    XOXOXO to infinity !!!

  10. So sorry to see you're having such pain...take it easy and do what you have to do to get better soon. Hugs.

  11. Have you tried a chiropractor? I was in an accident last week and am having the same kind of problems in back with my left side twitching. The chiropractor is really helping me.

  12. Was just happy to see a post again! But sorry that you are in pain....and I am happy to report that I've both received my valentine mug rug( don't have an email for I've sent her snail mail!)....and got an email from the gal I've sent to that she's received my pkg! you take care!

  13. Sorry you're in so much pain. Hopefully the PT will help. I have the same problem with pinched nerves in my neck and stretched nerves in my shoulder. It make sit very hard to rotary cut fabric, iron, or do hand work.

    I'm sure all of your followers will understand that you need to take time to take care of yourself right now. We'll be here when you're feeling better. Until them maybe you can catch up on some reading.

  14. Hi Aunt Pitty Pat, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  15. Oh my goodness!
    Hi sweetie, hope you are doing better this week. Nerve damage is not a pretty is pretty damned painful and it is never-ending pain. I hope you can find a solution - I have an automated nerve stimulator in my back with the leads in my spine. Sometimes it helps alleviate the pain - I struggled for about 4 years with the pain took two years to become medication free and although that means being in pain (sometime excruciating) I feel it is better than being addicted as that was where I was headed. The ever increasing amounts of narcotics didn't do all that much to alleviate the pain anyhoo! Hopefully, your condition can be helped surgically. Anyhoo, I wish you the best.

  16. I was wondering why I haven't seen your posts on FB! I missed them! I'll keep you in my prayers and also that you can get some relief from your pain! {{{Hugs}}}


Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you had fun while you were here and please visit again soon :)