Wow look at this fantastic Surprise Gift I received in the mail from Sewsewsuckurtoe...It is an awesome book bag. I just love it... as you all know I am a country type gal... with jean material and cotton handles this sweet book bag suits me to a T.... Quite sturdy with lovely printed retro cotton. I just love the jean side pocket embellished with the sweet buttons..
I meet new friends all the time.. Like my new friend Cathy that I received that very nice eco-friendly bag and pattern from. That I have posted about on my blog. She has also invited me to a wonderful web site that has over 300 members.. they are women that love aprons. If you are interested in aprons give me a shout and I will send you and invite to join.
This getting to know other sewers has been wonderful for me... as I live alone... I have gained a group of wonderful and special sewing friends on the inter-net... we have chatted so often it seems like we live in the same town.. We are always trading things we need to make projects.. or sometimes we just send things to each other we find ...As just a because... your my friend.
Let me tell you some about my sewing friends
Kate... she is my inspiration on all up-cycled items.. she is a dear heart... I love the fact she is a stay at home mom... and is sewing to help supplement her families needs.
I know that Erin uses wonderful wool fabrics for her little wallets she makes. So I keep and eye out for wonderful little skirts or pants for her recycled upscale items.
Lorrie from Swanky dog fashions.. was my very first Etsy friend... I think we both started the site about the same time and struck up a wonderful friendship.... we have encouraged each other with small posts and admiration's.. I have purchased some very pretty puppy dresses... for the Pitty Pat from her... I just love her designs...
There is Debi that has given me those wonderful little shoe patterns.. I just love chatting with her.. she is from England.. and they have such a funny sense of humor. Check out her blog I laugh everytime I read it... She can always put a smile on my face. What a wonderful person to call friend.
Last but not least.....there is my dear friend Trish from Sweet Blessings Boutique......she is my very first sewing friend on the inter-net... we are always sharing wonderful ideas and trading items when we need something the other one doesn't have. We also send each other little care packages once in a while just to say I am thinking of you and I care about you..... Small little gifts put a smile on each others face.. It's always wonderful to get a surprise gift in the mail.
I find its more cost effective to trade things back and forth... it also falls under my Green way thinking... As you know us sewers have tons of items in our stashes. I think it is wonderful to find such giving and sweet people to share your dreams and ideas with. I just love the fact I am able to put their wonderful creations up here on my web blog to share with others. I hope posting their wonderful items on my blog.. gets them tons of sales in their great shops. We are just a group of women who sew... trying to share ideas and make a few dollars for our families along the way. I hope I have encouragaed you to do sweet little things for your internet friends.. They are wonderful to have and should be charished.
A Big Thank you all for Being in My Life, I am very honored that you consider me a friend!!!!!!

One last little item: I also would like to tell you I have gain some other dear friends on the net that purchase or have purchased my pet apparel from me ...
Debbie and her 5 wonderful fur Babies from NY a big hug to you my sweet friend.
Beth and Allie from CA who sends me wonderful little ecards in the mail just when I need a boost. You are a joy to have in my life..Thank you.

~~~~~~~~~ To all of my sewing fiends I think we should do a swap... post me and let me know what you think... They can be small items or they can be bigger items.. its up to you. Or we can choose an item to make for each other.. If we have six people that want to participate...we have to make six items... one for each person ... wouldn't that be fun???? I know I feel like I am always working... so this would give us a break and get some very nice handcrafted items that we can share with others, if we chose to give them away as gifts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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