Friday, September 18, 2009

I am so excited!! It's almost time :)

Here it is Friday and I am still sick with this stupid cold. Sniffle Sniffle Cough Cough Hack Hack... sounds bad doesn't it???? I didn't have a voice on Wed.. but its back now and I feel much better. I started getting it last weekend.. I am hoping in a couple of more days it will be all but gone.... because I only have two days left before I get on that plane and fly to Sunny CA :) If I could change the plans I sure would, I am just hoping enough of the bug is gone when I get out there. I don't want to make everyone sick. I don't know about you when you go on trips .. when it comes to getting things ready to go.. one of the things on my list is to get the house in order.... but I have been cleaning house and getting all the laundry done. I just hate to think that someone coming in to care for creatures would find such a mess. I tend to be a tad lazy.. well maybe a bit more than a tad!!!.. when it comes to house work now that I live alone and have gotten older. I figure just like Scarlett ...what the heck .. there's always tomorrow. I would rather be sewing. There are a few dishes to do and some floors to sweep and mop, then take out the trash. Other than that its just going to have to do. I might hit and miss on the bathroom too. Just in case they have to make a pit stop ;) I want to have tomorrow night for a fun sewing night before I go. I am still wanting to make some scrappy pot holders for the girls, maybe if time allows I might even make a baked potato bag. That you use while cooking potatoes in the micro. I don't want any chores other than picking up a couple of last min things from the small town north of me.... Waaaaahhhh what will I do????... there will be no sewing for 17 days .. oh my what will I do with all of my time... I know enjoy my family and go see the sites and take some long walks with the Pitty and maybe just maybe read a book. Its been so long since I have done that. I find other things to do with my spare time here at home.... like sew sew sew.... I think while I am gone I just might work on some of my own sewing designs. I think that would be so fun sitting at the kitchen table drinking my ????? what is girls you all know!!! Yes Pepsi :) Anyway it would be so fun sitting there at the table working on my designs and watching the Hummers feed. I just love to go to Granny's and see the Hummers.. I don't get to see many here in Ta Town. Ok my sweet friends.. my break is over and I need to get back to the job of cleaning ;)


luv2quilt2 said...

So sorry to hear you've been sick. Have a wonderful trip.

Sandy Shirley said...

Sorry I missed your chat this morning! Have a wonderful and safe trip! Enjoy every moment!

NadineC said...

17 days without sewing? Uh...guess what I'm tucking into the trunk of my car??? :-) Let me give you some hints: it's white, but not a White; it has feet and a head; it'll keep you in stiches! Give up? You'll just have to wait...Ahhhh...the advantages of DRIVING to the vacation site....

Anonymous said...

How funny -- we both have the same backgrounds! For a minute I thought I was on my site and hadn't remembered putting that cupcake recipe on there! ;-)

Have a great trip to Sunny California! 17 days without sewing? How will you ever survive?

I wanna know about that baked potato bag for the microwave . . .

Mistea said...

As no one comes while I'm away I just leave the mess for when I get back - figure everything will be covered in a layer of dust and need cleaning then anyway! Hope you are feeling better and have a great trip. Enjoy the change of pace and company of family and friends.

Unknown said...

Link on how to make your own Baked Potato bags :)