This evening I sewed... and it was fun.. I have not been able to sew since Friday.. I spent the day Sat with a new blogging Buddie here in Ta Town. She came from Oklahoma to fabric shop and to meet me.. wasn't that awesome. LOL we only went to one fabric shop. Then we went and had lunch at one of the old diners here in town... and to round out the day we went to Cow Town.. its one of the attractions in Ta Town... it's pretty awesome. It's an old wild west town with actual late 1800's and early 1900's buildings from Ta Town... there are some wonderful fun Antiques in each building.. and yes I took photos.. I just haven't had time to upload them yet.. I will try and do that this weekend along with another post ;O)
Just a quick reminder..
Christmas Blocks ladies please get your blocks sent out on time.
They are due at my house on Nov 27th ;)
Just a quick reminder..
Christmas Blocks ladies please get your blocks sent out on time.
They are due at my house on Nov 27th ;)
I feel your pain when it comes to online time. There are so many great places to visit and things to do online, that I seem to spend more time there, than in my studio stitchin! But have I met some great people. Why isn't there about 36 hours in our days?????? I might have time for all the things I want to do that way! LOL
I see how ya are....taking your OTHER friend to Cow Town, but not ME! LOL! Do ya supposed it's because I kept begging to go to Charlott's Sew Natural??? Plus all the other fabric stores we went to?
Well, on my next visit we are going to do other things...dragging 43.5 pounds of fat quarters home was not pleasant. Although...it's kinda like giving birth - hurts while it's going on and then you forget about it and wanna do it all over again :-)
Now what was I saying about not going to so many fabric stores? Hmmm, I can't remember - must not have been important! :-)
P.S. - Hah! My Word Verification is "nificipp" - I love it! I'm sure I can come up with a wonderful definition for it...when I do, I'll let you know...
OH Nadine your so right... we shopped for fabric so much ... we didn't get to do the following things that I had planned, a day at the zoo, a movie at the cheap theater, dinner at whiskey creek (we decided to stay home and make our own steak.. I actually think it was better!), a trip to Yoder, and a trip to Lindsborg the little Swedish town north of me.. but we did do a lot of fantastic fabric shopping, lots of yummy breakfasts at Cracker Barrel, yummy home made meals and sewing. Lots of movie watching at home. Some movies you had never seen before and to round it all out..... you met all my family, Momma Bear and Papa Bear.. lunch with Big Daddy O and his birthday dinner, you even saw Bubba's collection of Hearses :) Lastly you got to meet some of my buddies at work :) So if you ask me what we did was a lot of fun too :)Especially our trip to Oklahoma for you to meet CJ and dinner at my most favorite place Cattleman's Cafe and then the visit to the Memorial...
Nadine... the next visit.. we will do some of the other things too :)I promise :)
What else could a girl ask for and extra day with little ole me when you'r airplane was grounded (Big smiles from me and extra day with you!!!)
I just hope you had fun :) I know I did all but the surgery :O(
I have the Christmas blocks done...now I just need to find the time to get by the post office when they are open and mail them out to you!
I am so excited to see them all!!
My blocks are done and mail to you yesturday. You should have them Wednesday or Friday. I hope they are alright. This was a first for me.
I have my blocks done this was a first for me, I hope I did it right, if Not plesae mail it back to me right away, so i then can mail them back, You can send me a email. Aunt Pitty Pat. and you all have a great holiday.
and New Year.
Debbie C,
Oh my goodness, i do that too when im online, just wonder about here and there and before i know it ive got the place still to clean and the Husbands car pulling in the drive!
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