Friday, February 11, 2011

Fabric dying question.

My sweet friend Debi Birkin from England closed her blog, but has since opened up a little web store for all her amazing patterns. If you love to knit run by check out her shop. On her old blog there were easy to follow instructions on how to hand dye fabrics using color markers. Does anyone know how to do the whole fabric piece.. not tye dying!... The instructions were easy and fun... now they are gone into the great nothingness. I am so disappointed that I did not write them down.
I have sent Debi an email.. I don't know if she will get it or even respond.. she lives on a long boat in the water canals there in Europe. There are weeks that go by after emailing her before I get a return post... I am always happy to hear from her.. even if it has been several months.

These boats are like the type that Debi and her husband purchased to live on. She talked about this for almost a year to me about one day she would be living on one.. and sort of being like a gypsy girl.... Wouldn't this be an exciting fun way to live??? She says they just pull up to dock ... get supplies and off they go again. This is a station for them to charge their batteries. Debi doesn't have internet out on the boat so she has to stop at a pub or a coffee house to be able to get on the inter-net. She says at least once a week because she does have her and her husbands little businesses .... Their little businesses is what keeps their little long boat a float ;)


Quiltingranny said...

Aunt Pitty:
Try this like, Paula may be able to help you: