Some of you hear me talking about Momma Bear and Papa Bear and how good they are always to me.. and how they are like my adopted family. My heart goes out to them today.. I received a phone call about 1:30 am it was their son Malcolm and he was telling me they had a family tragedy. His sister had perished in a house fire along with her seven year old adopted grandchildren on her husbands side of the family. Momma Bears grandson tried to help save their lives and has received burns, cuts and smoke inhalation... He is still in the hospital tonite for more care. Please say a little pray for my dear friends... to help ease the sorrow and pain in their hearts ... Thank you sweet friends for answering this request.
Praying to our great healer!
I'm so sorry to hear about your friends they will be in my prayers.
This is tragic! I'm so sorry to hear that and yes, of course, I will remember your friends and their family members in my prayers. God bless them all.
I am so sad to hear about that....I hope and pray the grandson will be okay.
My prayers go out to all of the family. This is very sad, stay strong for your friends.
I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's tragic accident, and will remember them in my prayers.
My heart goes out to them....I will pray too, Asking God for His comfort and devine healing.
Oh, my! so sad. I will be praying for them.
Oh APP, that is tragic...condolences on your and your friends' loss...I hope their grandson is recovering.
such a tragic thing to happen. I've said a prayer for them all this morning
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