Another Hidden Jewel in the little town next to me!
One of Ken's Long Arm Machines :)I was driving home from PT.. when I decided to stop at this little shop that is called
KenQuilts Manufacturing and supply. I have driven by this little shop over and over again. I always say when I drive by it...... I really need to stop in there and see what the little shop is all about :)
I did just that~~~ I took time out today to stop and see what was up with the little shop that has been there for about six years. I always thought it was one of those little shops that you could rent by the hour for quilting your quilts. NO that wasn't it at all .. It was a whole world of wonderful stuff for us quilters!! Although the owner thought that was an awesome idea if they do more expanding :) Having rental machines and frames :)
I have to tell you the shop owner is so amazingly sweet. She gave me the 25 cent tour and I loved it. She showed me several of the continuous line patterns for long arm, medium arm, and short arm quilting machines. Continuous line patterns are used with a laser light or stylus and your quilting frame. Those make some awesome quilting designs for your finished quilts. She also sells threads, needles, pre-wound bobbins, batting, full backing materials for quilts, and of course custom made long arm quilting machines.
While I was in the work area.. this gentleman was working on the most amazing long arm machine.. it was a beautiful royal blue color. He told me he was up grading it. It was amazing watching him work on these machines. I told Ms Ken that I was having friends coming to visit in Oct and would she mind if I brought them into her shop for a look see... she told me she would be happy to give them a 50 cent tour when they came :)
To my understanding .. this little shop will repair and service any machine :) So if your looking for some quilting items, long arm machine.. just pop on over to KenQuilt web site. Here is the fun little ITEM I purchased today
while I was having the 25 cent tour :) I am shocked.. this little baby was less than $7.oo in price!! I have seen these on Ebay sell for as much as $35.00. Let me know if you need one and I will get one for you and ship it too you... surly it would cost less than $35.oo including the shipping cost!This sweet little cone thread holder has a cast iron base so it will not pop over like its plastic cousin. I don't know about you but I love to purchase thread when its in the cones on sale. Seems like the thread goes further for less money :)
Any way run over and check out the KenQuilt site ;)