Christmas fun.... from the House of Pitty Pat:)
Hello everyone..... I am having such a rough week ... My little dog Pitty Pat thinks I should do something fun and festive for all my blogging friends out there in blog land. So I thought about what to do for a while and then I came up with this idea..... to help cheer myself up. I am going to hold a Holiday give-way.
What is it??? You ask.... that I am going to give-away... Well its this................ see photo blow :)
In this lovely handcrafted Christmas Stocking made by me....I will also include some fun small gifts to go with it :)
All you have to do is leave a 50 word or less Christmas story in the comments. To help put a smile on my face..
I will be holding the drawing on Dec 10th. Hopefully you will receive it in enough time, you can enjoy it a few days before Christmas Day.
Please feel free to put my give away up on your blog... Don't forget to linky back to me :)
Every year my mom still makes each kid a christmas stocking. And a good one with lots of goodies. The first christmas my husband spent with us she made him one too. We still laugh because he got the best stocking that year. His family doesnt really do christmas, so he was very surprised and happy with his loot.
One thing growing up that my Aunt always did for EVERYONE who would be coming to Christmas was put together stockings of items each person would love! She used the same stockings EVERY year, and to this day she still does. It is a family tradition I LOVE and carry along with my own children!
My favorite Christmas memory is the year my grandparents wrapped up my presents, attached them to a ribbon, and put them in a HUGE box! (They replaced their washer and dryer and saved the boxes for my brother and I.) It was so much fun to pull on the ribbon and open up each present as we found it! I hope to one day do the same thing for my kids!
Christmas holds many good memories for me. As a child, my fav memory is going skiing each winter that we lived in Germany. We would go to Berchesgarten (spelled wrong) for Christmas. We would put our shoes outside our doors for St. Nick. My dad made beignets and hot cocoa Christmas Eve. It was always so much fun.
Hey, Marcel!
I'll be back later to read more about your giveaway. In the meanwhile you've been TAGGED!! Come over to visit me to play the game :)
Christmas for me has meant creating my own traditions now that I am a mom. Every Thanksgiving after all the fuss and muss of the dinner, we pull out all our Christmas decorations and tree, we make cocoa and dig out our oh so used Christmas CD's. We listen to our favorite Christmas songs as we have cocoa and rummage through our decorations as dad puts together the tree. It is such fun remembering all the Christmases past and each ornament whether bought or handmade holds a special memory for each of us. We have ornaments made out of cardboard, popcycle sticks, food, photos, drawings(some scribbles, ok most of them are scribbles, but hey it was when they were little :). Our latest ornament memories have been the loss of my parents. My daddy passed in May of 2006 and we lost my Dear Mama in Oct of 2007. Our tree now has a "In memory of" ornament hanging on our tree for my daddy and my kids Pawpaw. This year we will add a "In memory of" ornament for my mama, last year the heartache of loosing her was to fresh to make an ornament for her, but this year all ornament ideas are centered around our memory of our sweet mama and mamaw. We know they will be celebrating Christmas together in Heaven this year and that just makes this Christmas that much more special. Merry Christmas and many Blessings wished for you and your loved ones.
wow how pretty and please enter me in to your giveaway and well its realy pretty and well x-mas is one of the best times of the year where every ones to be joyfull and grate full for the things in there life's and well the whole mo of x-mas holds averry spice place in my heart and well this x-mas is well my little ones frist one that she will be ever haveing and i love to try and make it a verry nice one for her and well this x-mas will also be new to me too restarting my life over with my family and friends after being away for some time .any how i realy like this to be the best x-mas i ever had thanks
My story isn't sentimental, but it's been my favorite one to tell this year! Last Christmas, the only thing my daughter, (3), wanted was a Princess Cash Register. Well, Santa wanted her to have a Pink Mustang Power Wheels and I was VERY excited about it. So, Santa put the Mustang in the middle of the living room floor thinking she would scream in delight, and do you know what my sweet girl did? She ran right past that car, didn't even look at it, to get to her beloved Princess Cash Register! That's a 3 year old for you! (I think this was more than 50 words, sorry!)
Oh wow Christmas holds so many good memories for me and my family
When I was a child Christmas at our house was full of beauty.Dad and Mom always went way out in decortaing every thing hand mad,Even down to wrapped presents .just to beautiful to open
We lived in Ohio a cape style home, One year lat at night we and all the neighborhood kids could hear Santa on OUR roof LOUD Ho-Ho-Ho's and LOUD Jingling of the sleigh bells ..Snowing beautifully only to be lite by the moon light,
on it went LOUD Ho-Ho-Ho's and LOUD Jingling of the sleigh bells ..Then..... we heard Ho-Ho-Hoooooooooooo Jingle jingleeeeeeeeeeeeee Boom!
Yes Santa fell off our roof
We and all the neighborhood kids ran out side right past our parents who were yelling don't you go out side ..We ran out side only to find my Dad Cold to the bone getting up out of a heap in the snow still hanging on to the sleigh bells!!!We were shocked and then we all starting laughing ummm cause where he had landed ummm the snow was now a bit yellow we from the moment on called the year Santa made the snow turn yellow!!:)
Christmas 2005 was truly an amazing Christmas to our family. We witness so many Christmas miracles. The first was the birth of our youngest child William. He had Trisomy 18 and never with his heart condition should of he lived more than a few minutes. Well with the grace of Good he lived 17 days. Christmas day was his 11th day .. Well that year many Santa’s delivered Christmas to our family. My kids had never seen so many presents in there lives. Santa’s just kept coming that Christmas day with loads of goodies. I will never forget my 10 year olds reaction. He just looked at me and said Santa is real isn’t he. I cried and said yes son he is. He sat there a minute just thinking then said there’s not just one there is many. Santa lives in people who serve others doesn’t he.. I said yes!! We talk about that Christmas often and the joy that it was.. In Our house there is no doubt that we believe in Santa..
We also belive in the goodness of a loveing heavenly father who loves us and wants us to be happy. We are forever greatfull for the time that he let us spend with William that very spechale christmas.. W are also greatful for the reson for the seson our saveuor Jesus christ that threw him We Will be with William again.
hohoho!! Santa Marcel -
I was so busy laughing at all your jokes earlier I forgot to come and get in your drawing!
A good Christmas memory for me is when I was a kid our family would always have a buffet after the service on Christmas eve. My mom always made some special dishes for that. My fav is Swedish Meatballs!yum! I carried on the same tradition with my children and I still have my mother's 3-tier cookie tray that was always on our Christmas buffet table lined with white paper doilies, and mounded with all of my mother's glorious collection of cookies that she spend weeks baking! A wonderful sight to behold!! Now I always line my cookie plates with paper doilies when ever I take them as gifts or to a buffet, and everyone knows it is Cathy's plate:) heehee - a tradition of mine.
One year, my parents bought a Christmas tree but left it against a wall in the living room where a friend and I slept that night. We heard the tree fall over that night but were too giggly/tired to fix it. The tree had fallen on the heat register and we had to strategically place the big brown spot towards the corner and hide parts of it with decorations that year.
My most memorable Christmas was when I was about 6 or 7. I was so sure Santa was going to bring me a pony. On Christmas morn, I jumped out of bed and raced to the barn. What! No Pony! Sadly, I trod slowly back to the house, and there under the tree...was...a...stupid, red, plaid umbrella. I can tell you there is a REALLY big difference between a PONY and an UMBRELLA! That was the year I figured out there probably wasn't a Santa.....
Christmas 1992. My husband found an anniversary band in diamonds and sapphires and placed it in a small stocking on the tree. Everyday I walked by the tree and saw that crooked stocking and thought I would change where it was hanging. I never did.The last gift my husband gave me had been under my nose for weeks!
For me Christmas in now even extra-special because it's my daughter's birthday. She will be a year old and is such a blessing to me. What a joy to have a child share the birthday of Jesus.
In 1978 my girls were 5 and 13. I had just gotten a divorce and we, including my mom, were pretty doggone broke. Couldn't afford a tree. We were living in an upstairs apt. One day there was a huge racket on the stairs and the girls bust in all happy and yelling "we found a tree! we found a tree!". It was a big box that contained an artificial WHITE tree. I didn't let them see me cry. They were so happy. Mom and I got busy and crocheted dozens of ornements for the tree and the girls made paper garland. It was so pretty!! It turned out to be one of the best Christmas memories for me.
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