The first Sunday nite after I arrived in Ca, we had a family Pizza Party. We had great Pizza and we ate this to die for Death by Chocolate ...Chocolate cake. Now I can tell you I can eat my weight in Chocolate. But this cake was so rich you could only eat a sliver at a time. Mom was sort of disappointed that I wrapped the gifts in newspaper instead of Christmas wrap. For some reason.. I just didn't want them all wrapped in Christmas wrap. Maybe??? It just didn't feel like Christmas.. but anyway everyone opened their gifts and loved them. I have to tell you the art bag was a huge hit with my Nephew. He told me several times how much he loved it and was looking forward to carrying it with him to work. I was told my niece dumped her old book bag as soon as they got home and threw everything in the new backpack that I made her. She was so excited to carry it to school the next day. I guess it was a huge hit with all of her friends. My sister loved the backpack so much I had to promise to make her one when I returned home. Anyway I told everyone that I would share the items that I crafted for my family for Christmas. When I returned home from my Vacation. Well here are two photos of aprons that I made. I started this post in CA... but was unable to finish it due to family things going on. I will post more photos of other items soon... lol that means I don't have them loaded into the computer yet ;) I hope to get that done today :) I am sorry the apron photos are not on a model... I did the best I could at the time ;)

This is the apron that my niece received.
This is the apron that I gave to my sister.
I will post moms apron as soon as the photos are loaded ;)
Thanks for understanding.. I still need to do those return home things today :)
This is the apron that my niece received.
I will post moms apron as soon as the photos are loaded ;)
Thanks for understanding.. I still need to do those return home things today :)
All your gifts were great ideas. I especially love the aprons fabric. Do you know which fabric the pink/red/black one is?
Good to see you back. I enjoyed your posts from vacation.
Those are two gorgeous aprons. Good to hear all the gifts were well recieved. Enjoy being home.
Both aprons were made with Alexander Henry Fabrics :)
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