Several of you get personal e-mails from me and have learned more about me and my personal life.. we seem to chit chat often. That's wonderful for someone that lives alone like me. Thank you sweet friends for all of your e-mails... Oh goodness got side tracked again :)
The reason for this post is I just had to share a photograph that I just received in the mail from my Niece. This Photograph is very rare indeed. There is not many of these in the whole world. Once you see it you will understand how much it really means to me and my family.
Ok here it is... enjoy with awe!!!
This is the 3rd Five Generation Photo in my family. There would have been a 4th set of 5 generation photos... but our sweet baby Etta Kay passed away three days after birth. This is very rare to have that many Sets of 5 generations in one family. The Matriarch of our family is my Grandmother Peachy in the far bottom left of the Photo... she will turn 99 years old this coming Jan. I have decided to fly out to CA to surprise her for Christmas this year. I am very excited to see her.. as it has been two years since I was last out there. It has been well over 30 years since I have had a Christmas with her. I have always felt it was important to be home with my immediate family and grand babies. But this year it is different. My sweet Grandmother Peachy has been ill for a while and I do not want to miss another Holiday that I can share with her. My family here in Kansas has encouraged me to go this year. It's so nice to have such a supporting and loving family. Thank you Adoring Dad, Loving Step Mom Kathy, and my Helpful, Selfless and Caring Bubba I love you all !!!! I know you understand my need to be away at this Holiday Season. I know we will have many more Holidays together :) here in Kansas.
Fantastic photo. We never got past 4 generations. And that was only once.
what an absalute treat to see such a meaningful picture,its lovely... I hope you have an absalute fantastic christmas with your family, I will be eager to get back to you to see how you get on.
blessings Jan xx
What a wonderful photo and a rare blessing indeed!! wow! I'm so happy to hear that you will be to spend Christmas in California with that part of your family. Time together with loved ones is so important, isn't it?
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