Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hey My Sweet Bloggie Friends :) It's break time :)

I have been hard at work for the last couple of hours moving things around in the new Studio/Sewing Room... I never realized how much junk one could gather in their junk room... Now that I am cleaning it out and making it my studio for the Gracie and my sewing... I have discovered its going to be a year long job figuring out what to do with everything up there..
My first idea is to trash it all!!!! but alas.. there is so much good stuff up there.. like all those sewing boxes I purchased with all those wonderful vintage buttons in them. Hey I have an Idea I should post them on here and see if any of you would purchase them. I have tons of other wonderful things too. Like Buttons, lace, floss, patterns, did I say buttons?????? Yes I have tons of those.. they fill up two of those huge metal trash cans. I need to get them sold :) I can't seem to get them sold on Etsy or Ebay.. (they are great craft buttons, old, vintage, re-claimed) so why not try selling a few bunches of those things here :)
Next is to finish getting the shelves up so I can display all of my vintage toy sewing machines. They are all still packed up in plastic tubs. Which are stacked up there too. I am going to take the day bed down and put it in the basement.. no one ever comes to visit. I have a dresser that needs to go down to my bedroom. I never had anyone to help move it. My brother said he would help when ever I called. Yeah for Brothers!!!!!
I still have tons of fabric to put up on my shelving units too. I have discovered I still have Christmas decorations out from last year hidden up there under all the rubble. Ugh!!!!! Oh well it takes time to fix something that took years to make. It would be different if I could just clean everything out of the room... but there is no where to put it while I do that. So I am moving re-arranging as I go along. I hate to work like that.
But I can see progress. It's just not fast enough for my taste.
But my neck and back give out quick and I have to take breaks often. (Darn Car Wreck Anyway!!!) But if I keep prodding along... I will get it done eventually :) I can truthfully say its over half way done now :) I will have to post a couple of photos I have taken along the way. This is just one side of the room.. there is a whole other side where the Grace will go.

There is going to be another set of shelves just like these on the other side of the room. There is also another table like these where my two Singer Feather Lights are going... plus I have another Baby Lock to put up there. I like to keep one machine with white thread, one with black thread.. then my usual machine that I like to sew on. The Singers sew through almost anything :) As you can see my thread racks are still empty and there is fabric strung out everywhere. The items up under the tables need to go to the basement yet. That is where I am going to store my extras .. like lace, patterns, wool fabric, felt, floss, buttons, cross stitch stuff, thread, sewing machines, and anything that is sewing related that is not up on the shelf or in a drawer. I would like to point out that I am going to make table skirts for the sewing machine tables and matching curtains for the windows.. but I know that will have to come in time.. I just have to get everything up there and in some sort of order. I know making the table skirts and curtains will make a big change in how it looks also.. Yes I have a ton of sewing stuff... I have had a sewing material stash for years... almost 30 years I bet. One thing for sure I can tell you I love it up there .. .I really like going up there to sew... it seems like a different world up there. It's away from the rest of the house and all the other stuff that goes on in daily life. My get away place :)

Ok now that I have showed you my dirty sewing room... and still not completely organized... please don't hold it against me!!! I am working as fast as I can .....LOL

Ok back to work my break is over...(Dang that Marcel is such a slave driver) She is only allowing me a 15-20 min break. Darn girl anyway :)

**** Whoosh... my booties were not in the Photo :)****

I forgot to add this little photo.. see those black wire rack things.. I have to put some more of those together to match the height and width of these already up....After I finish getting them together... I can finish putting up my fabrics. Then they will look organize too :)Yes there are some unfinished quilt tops in that first wire box at the top of the photo.. I hope to solve that problem in the future :) Now that Grace is living with me :)Yes I still have quite a bit to do but I will eventually get there :)


rebecca said...

Wow, its is looking good so far! I am a little jealous. Once you get done you could totally set up a little sweat shop, or at least have lots of space to make things. The only problem then would be scraps...keep them or toss them, that is the cutoff...its so hard to know.

Unknown said...

I agree what is the smallest fabric scrap do you keep? If you do art quilts any size of scrap can be use :)
Even on those little softy things, they use such little pieces. What does one do as a rule of thumb? Any suggestions?????

AwtemNymf said...

Wow- look it all that! I'd be in heaven if my fabric stash was like that. Try this: If you haven't used it within 6 mos. or forgot you had it- get rid of it *wink wink*.
Break it down= Use up your stash by taking fabrics you can and WILL use for a certain quilt and ziploc bag them ALL colors & coordinates. That way you're mega orgaznized and have the "quilt project" within reach and ready to go when you do it. (make sense?) Like Baby Quilt # 1, Gift #1, Gift #2, Birthday, yadda yadda yadda!
Everything is looking GREAT so far hun! You go gurl!
Ps- your Snowman ornie is on it's way! Mailed it out today as I promised! Woohoo!
*sprinkle sprinkle*

gin said...

I love your space up there. And I would totally love to be in it with all that stash you have. It is a world of its own! How fun it will be to work there after its all set up the way you want.

Mona said...

You will soon have a wonderful "happy place" where you can retreat! Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Button, button...who's got the button???

Yarni Gras! said...

wow.........I could shop for days in your room and get LOST..........such neat stuff!

Jackie said...

Here is a neat way of using up some of your buttons.
You should also include a small bag in with your swaps, that would get rid of some...slowly. Fill large glass jars with buttons and use as a decorative items throughout your home. You could colour co-ordinate them to match each room. I also saw somewhere a clear glass lampshade base had been filled with buttons. The lamp looked great and was definately a talking point.

CathyJean said...

I thought I commented on this post already, but...
anyway, wow!! what a wonderful place to create and sew!!! Lucky you. Enjoy working on it, you'll get it the way you want - a little at a time:)