I've been given this wonderful award from Mel Me. If you have not visited her blog please do ... its full of fun and wonder posts. Thank you so much Mel for this very nice award!
So I have to list 10 things that are to me the spirit of Christmas....AND....10 life rules.....10 Rules for life.
1. Smiles are contagious... smile everyday!
2. Always remember the Golden Rule :)
3. Always practice random acts of kindness.. it might be you one day needing the help.
4. Honor the loved ones that are in your life....don't forget your friends :)
5. Mentor a Child they learn so many wonderful things from adults if you just take the time to share.
6. Get involved... whether its a civic group, sewing group, reading group... just have fun.
7. Laughing gladdens the heart.
8. Reflect and do self improvement where needed.
9. A place for everything and everything in its place!
10. Look around.... is there a person that needs a friend???? Smile say hello and invite them out for coffee :) We can never have enough friends!! We all need someone to listen :)
1. The Birthday of Christ...
2.Watching a film... awe all of those wonderful Christmas Movies.
3. Enjoying the golden time between Christmas and New year, where eating loads of chocolate is considered the thing to do! Not to worry we all make going on a diet as a New Years Resolution.
4.The smell of a real tree and putting all of your favorite ornaments on it.
5. Spending time with Family and friends.
6. Giving and receiving, and doing for others.
7. Finding a wonderful sale bargain.
8. Time off! Did I mention time off????
9. Making all of the handmade presents for family and friends.
10. Christmas Magazines, and Cook Books!
Since I am late posting this to my blog I will just invite all of my bloggie friends to participate in this award. Please snag the badge, and let me know you played along. I would love to see what you all post as your Holiday Spirit :)
Thanks again Mel Mel for this lovely award!!!!!
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