Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Memorial Crosses in Layffete

I have posted before about the crosses on the Hill in Layffete... If you go back to the beginning of my blog posts. You will find my original post there. Here I am showing you more pictures of the crosses. Each cross is one of our Americans that has lost his or her life in the Iraq War!!

These were right across the street where we parked.

This is looking left down the hill, about the center of the hill is where I am standing.

This is a photo of the right of the center of the hill.

This is the center of the Hill.

My mom told me, the law suits to try and remove the crosses have stopped. The crosses will remain. The man that owns the land has stated he will keep the crosses up there always. There has been several crosses lost due to vandalism. The organization that is helping take care of the crosses, replace them as they are destroyed. But the State of California passed a new law that no other memorials like this can be erected. To my understanding the numbers are change each day or when there is a casualty of the war.
I can tell you after being there when there was only a few hundred crosses.. going out there three years later. It was over whelming... seeing all those crosses.. each one represents one man or woman that sacrificed their lives so we many live as a free Nation.

Please remember to say a pray for those serving our country with honor!!!


Carla said...

I saw something like that in Georgia. Not as big...then. That was a year ago. My husband, daughter and I are veterans. Thank you.

Janet, said...

That is a very moving picture.